Auditor Information
Debra G. Walker, Henry County Auditor
101 S Main Street
New Castle, IN 47362
Office Phone: (765) 529-2800 Office Fax: (765) 521-7073
Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Friday
Online access to maps, real estate data, Online access to county tax sale information:
tax information, and appraisal data:
1. You must live in the property on March 1st of the year in which you file and it must be your principal place of residence.
2. 45,000 deduction from assessed value or ½ of total residential assessed value (whichever is less).
3. Can be combined with all other deductions.
1. You need proof of disability from social security.
2. Taxable income cannot exceed $17000.
3. A person may not apply for this exemption while receiving the Disabled Veterans or the Disabled Person exemption.
1. Applicant must provide a certificate of eligibility from the Indiana Department of Veteran Affairs.
2. Applicant cannot receive a tax deduction for being a disabled veteran in conjunction with a disability exemption or an over 65 exemption.
Note that a Disabled Veteran Deduction may replace either a Disabled Exemption or an Over 65 exemption.
3. Age 62+ with 10% - 90% disability rating from the VA = $14,000 “Total”
4. Under age 62 with 10% - 100% disability rating from the VA = $24,960 “Partial”
5. Age 62+ with 100% disability rating from the VA and Assessed Value is less than $240,000 = $38,960 “Total + Partial” or “Full”
1. You must fill out application packet located in the auditor’s office.
2. Once complete the values will be determined by the assessor.
1. You must meet the specifications that define and determine a heritage barn.
2. The application with additional information can be found in the auditor’s office and will be determined by the assessor.
1. You must be 65 prior to January 1, of the year in which you file.
2. Your assessment cannot be over $240,000.
3. Your adjusted gross income cannot be over $43,480 (married) or $32,610 (single). DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-TAXABLE Social Security.
4. If you file federal or state income tax return, we must have a current copy.
5. Maximum amount of deduction is 1/2 of net assessment up to $14,000.